Thursday, October 20, 2011

Quote for the Day

Heresy hunting has nothing to do with truth or with goodness. It raw paranoid power, nothing more. Heresy hunters are bullies. They will take your lunch money everyday if you let them.

The Rev. John Shuck. Read it all.


  1. OK I haven't read the rest yet but I tend to agree with the quote you posted.

    Heresy hunting, such as falsely and maliciously labeling Creation Day as a "cult" and preaching from a wayward U*U pulpit that belief in God "seems primitive" and that most religious rituals are "meaningless", has nothing to do with truth or with goodness. It raw paranoid power, nothing more. Heresy hunters are bullies. They will expel you from their degenerate Unitarian Church forever if you let them. (And I did...)

    Quite frankly, the neurotic deep insecurities and phobias, to say nothing of actual paranoia. . . that I have witnessed among U*Us in general, and U*U clergy in particular is rather disturbing.

  2. I will only say that in 30 years of being a Unitarian Universalist, I have not experienced what you describe, Robin, not so as to generalize in the way you do. And I have never heard from any UU pulpit belief in God ridiculed.

    I am not denying your experience, just making plain that I have not shared it.

  3. And I am just speaking from my own direct personal experience which is supported by much documentation. I did not even mention things that came from my long-term observation of the UU World or the testimony of numerous second hand sources. . .

    It was, and seemingly still is. . . "heresy" to believe in God in many "Humanist" dominated Unitarian Universalist "churches". It is *also* "heresy" to complain about intolerant and abusive UU clergy who can be quite justifiably described as bullies.


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