Friday, October 15, 2010

Another 'Waiting for Superman' Observation

Waiting for Superman truly excoriates the union–in incredibly vicious ways. While there are many areas in which I’d like to see unions become more progressive, I don’t want us to forget that it was the union that brought us pilot schools and it is always the union that fights for better conditions in classrooms (often when districts or even the public is looking the other way). And if the union was so much the problem, why wouldn’t non-unionized states like Texas, South Carolina or Virginia have fabulous schools?

Linda Nathan.

Hear, hear!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As I posted at Beacon Broadside's blog, In U.S. News' list of the top public high schools in the nation VA and SC each have a school in the top 12 and Texas has two!

    Graduate of a school that usually ranks but had some issue with state testing this year.


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